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Concert for Two
"Big brother, what's this..." "It's been so long since you sang with joy... I've built a stage for you, though it's... a bit rudimentary." "But the teacher thinks I'm not cut out for this..." "Nonsense, I think you sound amazing! And your dreams will definitely come true. You deserve to sing on a bigger stage..." ... Many years later, she stood on a dazzling stage, looking at the surging fans below, but lost herself for a moment... On the long journey of chasing dreams, she would always remember that trusting gaze and her first "concert." No glamorous lights, no elaborate makeup, just a child building a stage to encourage another child to pursue their dreams. "Now, our dreams have come true. But... are they still 'our' dreams?" She tightened her grip on the microphone. Before the next song began, she didn't even have time to feel sad.
Promotion Details
Increases the wearer's DEF by 16%. For every on-field character that has a Shield, the DMG dealt by the wearer increases by 4%.